The Colman Redland Centre

Try FLEXERCISE here, on Mondays.
Active 50+.

Contact 07741 485697,

Facebook: FLexercise with Melody
Fun, friendly, movement and dance for women with stretch and strengthening.


We are located between central Reigate and Redhill, with onsite parking and competitive room hire rates. Run by volunteers for the benefit of the community.

Available for regular group hire, for children’s parties and occasional private hire.

We are a small charity located in Reigate, Surrey, offering Halls and a Meeting room to hire for competitive fees.

We hire to local businesses, societies, charities and other non-profit making organisations who hold various  clubs, meetings and activities for all age groups.


Find us

The Colman Redland Community Centre
33 Croydon Road
Reigate, Surrey, RH2 0NA